Getting a date before the pandemic was hard enough. Now, we’re gonna have to fish in a quarantined sea. This is how you can do that.
Related: Dating And Sex In The Midst Of A Pandemic—Is It Okay And How?
It’s been almost a year of the pandemic and if you came into it single, then you probably still are. Think about it. How could you possibly meet potential partners during a time like this? Is asking for swab test results the new what’s your sign? It’s a weird time to be dating, but we singles, can’t wait forever. We, too, need a little loving in our lives. We have just got to find the safest way how. That’s why I’ve asked for the help of specialists in the field of dating, aka singles of the Philippines, where they find dates during the pandemic. After experiencing the ropes for myself and listening to a bunch of intriguing stories, I’ve made a list of the top 5 best places to meet singles during a pandemic.

Around your work place
Since most of us can start going to the office again, we have the potential for a meet-cute in various places around the office. It may be in the elevator up to your floor or in the coffee shop on the way up. One Manileño shared that she met her current beau through a carpool plan for employees around the same area. Now, she goes to work looking as inspired as ever.

Through dating apps
This one might seem a little obvious, but hey, more often than not, it works. A lot of my friends have been convincing me to get back on the apps, because the “selection” has gotten better since the pandemic. Recently, verified celebrities and models have been seen using Tinder and Bumble to find potential matches during the pandemic. I say give it a shot. You’ll never know what can happen.

Online gaming
2021 is the best time to be a gamer. There are so many benefits to it. First, you’ve got a hobby you can spend hours on. Second, you can meet cute gamer boys while protecting your bases. Plus, the aggressive game talk can be quite attractive when done right. Just be sure you know who you’re talking to.

Zoom parties
Have you ever been invited by your friends to go on a Zoom party with their other barkada? If you have and you turned it down, then be sure to say yes next time. There are lots of times when friends try to complete teams for online group games, so they phone up friends from different groups to join in. This is the best time to meet someone who might have the same interests as you. I mean if you have one mutual friend, then you must have something in common. Right?

The DMs
Good old reliable DMs. It has worked before the pandemic and it still continues to work during the pandemic. Did you and a cute guy follow each months ago and never got around to chatting? Why not start the conversation by reacting or replying to one of his stories. The trick to this trade is to make it seem cool and effortless, like dating someone new in general.
The post Where To Meet Single Men During A Pandemic In The Philippines appeared first on MEGA.