Elections are coming up! That means it’s time to get registered. Find out the real reasons why these voters went to the polls.
Related: Still Unsure About Registering To Vote? Here’s How To Get It Right!
We’ve got less than a month to register for the upcoming 2022 Presidential Elections. That means that we’ve got to put registration at the top of our priority list in the coming weeks. Whether it’s spreading the word about it or registering yourself, all of us could help change the course of the nation by voting. If there’s something bugging you about the current societal system, then don’t complain about it, do something about it— vote! It may not seem like a big deal now, but it could be the life changing event that ignite the patriotism in you. It was like that for these five individuals who decided to vote on the last elections that we had: Senatorial (2019) and Presidential (2016). Find out the reason why these individuals decided to exercise their right to vote.
“It is our responsibility to vote and I am a responsible citizen. One vote can make a difference. The people of any democratic country has the power that can ultimately affect the country. We should do our part and practice our rights to vote and make our opinions heard especially if we don’t like the way our country is governed. Voting is our chance to stand up. We are the future. Our voices must be heard.” – Della Lau, Entrepreneur

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