Bloated And Breaking Out? Maybe It’s Time To Cleanse Your Gut

Treat yourself to decadent meals without bloating and breaking out by balancing your diet with these gut-cleansing practices

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From Thanksgiving to New Year, our calendars are packed with all-night celebrations and holiday feasting. The morning after, many are left feeling bloated and sluggish, with some even breaking out. One of the culprits can be because your stomach or your gut is inflamed. Certain foods such as gluten, dairy and sugar can trigger your stomach lining to erode, resulting in digestive and digestive-related problems. This ranges from irregular bowel issues, fatigue or skin that’s freaking out.  

Photo from MEGA archives

The gut is the center of your immune system, and it naturally filters out the toxins and chemicals that can affect all aspects of your body and because of this, we need to keep it healthy. Many people have testified that it’s their secret to clear, luminous skin and the driving force why their mental health has also improved. 

While you still can treat yourself to a decadent pie this holiday, here are some gut cleansing practices you can do after to clear it out:

1. Get Your Daily Probiotics And Fiber Food Fix 

Remember when kombucha was all the rage? Well, the main reason is that it’s a fermented tea with probiotics­–live “good” bacteria that support and replenish our natural gut bacteria.

When something threatens our harmonious balance of bacteria in the gut such as eating junk food, nasty bacteria can multiply and lead to inflammation. To avoid letting the “bad” guys dominate, probiotics are the “good” bacteria that can help fight it off.  

Fermented foods with probiotics: Kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, and yogurt.

A high-fiber diet can also help in improving your bowel movements. There are two types: insoluble fiber, which is found in the hard, scratchy outer skins and surfaces of roots, grains, and seeds that are not as easily digested and act as a “broom” to sweep away germs in the bowel, and soluble fiber, which dissolves in water to form a thick gel in your intestines, slowing down digestion.

Food with insoluble fiber: Whole grain bread and cereals, nuts and seeds. 

Food with soluble fiber: Bananas, vegetables, beans and oats. 

2. Start Your Day With A Gut-Cleansing Drink

Gut cleansing drinks work by helping pull toxins out of your lower digestive tract and breaking up the compact waste that may have accumulated in your colon. It’s an easier way to take care of your gut since it already contains a mixture of fiber and nutrients that will help you easily flush the toxins out.

Gut-cleansing drinks: Fresh vegetable juice made out of spinach, kale, brussels sprouts, or leeks. Alongside juices that are based with ginger, apple, lemon, or apple cider vinegar.

For a gut cleansing drink that’s a no-brainer, TRIZIE which is a clean wellness brand provides different fiber food supplement drinks that are specially designed to give you an easy, fast detox in 6 to 8 hours. The difference of their fiber drink compared to others is that it’s a gentle way to cleanse your gut, compared to others that make your stomach churn and run to the bathroom as you drink it. 

They have 3 different kinds: Clean Fiber, which is apple-flavored and packed with fat-burners such as green tea, green coffee, garcinia, and l-carnitine that double as antioxidants; Light Fiber, which is their passionfruit-flavored blend for lighter cleansing, and Grape Fiber, made with psyllium husk, oil palm fiber and oat fiber.

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