We didn’t see this coming. Joshua Garcia and Julia Baretto are reunited in Moira De La Torre’s Music Video for Paubaya and it’s heartbreaking.
Related: Just Julia Barretto: Finally Tells The Truth About Love
On Valentine’s Day, Moira De La Torre premiered the final chapter to her newest album, Patawad. The song she chose to feature for the final chapter is Paubaya. This was preceded by two hit songs from her album titled, Patawad, Paalam with I Belong to the Zoo and Paalam, a collaboration with Ben&Ben. In addition to the melancholic masterpiece Moira has created, the music video provided closure for JoshLia fans everywhere.

The internet was shook to its core when they saw that the stars of the music video were former lovers, Julia Barretto and Joshua Garcia. They both have not come out in a project together since their break-up until Paubaya. In the music video, they gave us a glimpse of what went down during their break-up by giving each other words of comfort. Eventually, the song and video ends with Joshua wishing Julia the best on her new relationship. The music video was well received by the general public for its relatability and sincerity. We have all learned a lot from Joshua and Julia’s relationship on and off screen, but these are the 7 love lessons that we learned from Paubaya.
Need and love are not the same
Co-dependence is the silent predator of all relationships. When does a healthy partnership go from enjoyment to neediness? There’s a fine line between the two. Often times, many fail to identify when the crossover has been made.
Support is critical in a relationship
Compromise can’t be made without the proper support. There are times when both parties are just not in the right state, thus both end up grasping for support. Aside from this, it’s safe to say that timing holds a big role in creating a strong support system with a partner.
Compatibility is not enough
There are many factors that could break up a relationship. Romantic songs would disagree and convince us that love is enough to solve all problems, but it really isn’t. You could really work well with someone, but circumstances fail to have you both at the end of the aisle.
Read the signs
Getting into a relationship can cause disillusionment. Everything is better with rose colored glasses. The only problem is that you are not the only one in the relationship. Sometimes we need to take the extra effort to check in on how are partners are really feeling by taking note of non-verbal signs.
Fear can drive people apart
Overthinking creates fear. We become our own inner saboteur when we let fear takeover our lives. Yes, we should be mindful and read the signs, but we shouldn’t allow ourselves to create imaginary problems. Everything should be done in moderation, which is easier said than done.
Things can change
Heraclitus once said, “The only constant in life is change.” No matter how good a relationship gets, it can always change. Maybe for the better. Maybe for the worse.
The hardest part of a relationship is to let go of expectations and accept the reality presented to you. Be honest with yourself in everything you do. Learn to accept what fate has brought you. When all is said and done, at least you could say you tried.

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