This TikTok Star Is Secretly An Artist – Take A Look At Her Work

You may know her as TikTok’s Maldita Girl, but did you know that she’s an artist as well? Kai Javier is the artist behind fartifacts and Sun Hands Co.

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Anyone with a TikTok account knows who Kai Javier is. If Rain Matienzo is the Conyo Girl, then Kai Javier is definitely the resident Maldita Girl. That’s because she embodies the role so well. From the flicked up lashes to the clenched jaw, you could really feel the maldita vibes radiating from your phone screen. Despite all the TikTok fame, Kai keeps to her own on other social media platforms. In fact, we could say she lives a completely different life. Behind the eye rolls and duets, Kai Javier does art and she’s really good at it. The young artist’s brand, fartifacts, recently had a collaboration with Sun Hands Co. They came up with a quarantine-themed phone case that is now currently being sold online. We can’t wait to see what more this girl has in-store for us.

What is fartifacts?
Initially, fartifacts is Kai’s online portfolio for her artwork. As time went by, the brand became something bigger. Her passion project has become a digital service provider. Online concerts, brands, and restaurants contact fartifacts to create all types of digital art for them.

The fartifacts quarantine case
Home exercises? Binge watching TV shows? Gardening? Does it all sound too familiar? Kai designed a quarantine case for her collaboration with Sun Hands Co. According to Kai’s #SunHandsStory, the phone case was designed in appreciation of all the little and big things that have kept us sane and connected over the past year.

Collaborate with Sun Hands Co.
Sun Hands Co. was created by Nadine Sebastian, Max Sebastian, and Angelo Pillas. They wanted to help promote the talent and stories of the local artists around us. In Kai’s case, they both collaborated on creating a case that was relevant to the times. Currently, they are accepting collaborations with other artists who would want to tell their story and make a buck out of it.

The post This TikTok Star Is Secretly An Artist – Take A Look At Her Work appeared first on MEGA.

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